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Speakers Bureau

This is a collaborative lay health training presentation.  Affiliates are equipped to educate their own social networks about primary prevention of all 3 cancers.  The presentation includes information about risk factors, lifestyle choices, ways to strengthen one's immune system, and genes that increase or decrease one's risk of developing these cancers.

Discussion Guides

These guides provide discussion points for talking to primary care medical professionals about personal cancer risk, early detection, and follow-up for abnormal screening results.

Navigator Training

This program is implemented in coordination with participating community cancers centers.  Patient activists are trained through the hospitals volunteer training program.  They are also trained to guide patients using National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) patient guidelines.  Additionally, navigators are trained to work with cancer center social workers and nutritionists, and hospital chaplains to facilitate timely and appropriate referrals.  Navigators may also participate in multidisciplinary cancer conferences and be part of patient care teams.  Cancer specific training is also coordinated by the hospital with their local care community to assure that patients are aware of resources for side-effect recovery and survivorship.

Audience and Lecturer
Doctor and Patient
Business Meeting

© 2019 Brothers & Sisters Network

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