Brothers & Sisters Network
Get Involved
Brothers and Sisters Network affiliates address the supportive needs of individuals concerned or affected by breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers in their own communities and in partnerships with local service providers. Affiliates are survivors and caregivers who are committed to establishing much needed community health services.
What services might affiliates provide?
Conduct monthly support meetings
Conduct educational outreach programs in the local community
Provide health resources to local community
Affiliate leadership criteria:
Be a breast, colorectal, or prostate cancer survivor or caregiver.
Create a five member Executive Committee, including at least 1 breast, 1 colorectal, and 1 prostate cancer survivor.
Please submit the following so we can help you get started!
Resume and/or curriculum vitae (CV)
Biography (as it relates to cancer)/your cancer story
A list and brief description of your 5 Executive Committee members
Upon receipt of this information you will receive a phone call and/or email to discuss and customize a plan for your next steps.